Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions apply to all hirings at Long Bennington Village Hall. Additional conditions may be required for some bookings and you will be advised of these before acceptance of your booking.
Please read theseTerms and Conditions carefully. In submitting your booking, you agree to abide by all these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please contact us at bookings@longbenningtonvillagehall.org.
1. Definitions and Interpretation
1.1 The Building – means Long Bennington Village Hall, Main Road, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5DJ.
1.2. Deposit – means a non-refundable deposit to secure the hire of the Premises.
1.3 Damages Deposit – means a refundable deposit, returned after the Period of Hire, provided that there have been no breakages, damage or loss, and that these Terms and Conditions have been complied with, otherwise a deduction will be made from the Damages Deposit.
1.4 Equipment – means the contents, fixtures and fittings in the Venue.
1.5 The Hirer (You/Your) – means the person or organisation as set out in your booking.
1.6 The Period of Hire – means the period set out on the Booking Form that you wish to hire the Venue for (and which should include sufficient time for preparation and cleaning up).
1.7. The Premises – means the Main Hall/Small Hall /Bar/ Foyer /Kitchen as booked for you and confirmed in your booking.
1.8 The Total Booking Fee – means the total amount that you are required to pay as set out in your booking (which includes the Deposit but excludes the Damages Deposit).
1.9 The VHMC (We/Us/Our) – means the Village Hall Management Committee or a member thereof.
1.10 The Venue – means Long Bennington Village Hall, Main Road, Long Bennington, Newark, NG23 5DJ.
2. How to Book the Venue
2.1 We request that all bookings are made online using the online booking portal which can be found on our website. All general enquiries should also be made via the online booking portal or by contacting bookings@longbenningtonvillagehall.org. In an emergency situation, you can contact a member of the VHMC by calling 07816 267 927.
2.2 We only accept bookings made by those aged 21 years old or over.
2.3 Bookings are accepted at our absolute discretion. Bookings are not confirmed and a contract is not made, until you receive a confirmation of your booking.
2.4 Before confirming a booking, we may request further details of your event.
3. Booking, Deposits and Payment of Invoices
3.1 At the time of booking, and at our absolute discretion, you may be asked to pay a Deposit and/or a Damages Deposit. Your booking will not be confirmed until any requested Deposit is paid.
3.2 28 days before your event is due to take place, we will send you an invoice for the total outstanding amount and a failure to pay the full amount 14 days before the event will forfeit your booking.
3.3 Where your booking is made 14 days or less before your event, we will send you an invoice for the Total Booking Fee which should be paid within 2 days of the date of the invoice, otherwise your booking will be forfeited.
3.4 Concerns regarding invoicing and payment terms should be addressed to us via our website or by contacting bookings@longbenningtonvillagehall.org.
4. Use of Premises
4.1. You agree that you shall not:
a. use the Premises for any purpose other than that described in your booking.
b. sub-hire or use or allow the Premises to be used for:
i. Any political rallies or demonstrations;
ii. For purposes which are illegal i.e. be they forbidden by law or unauthorised by official or accepted rules;
iii. For functions attended by people whose presence may cause civil unrest or division within the community;
iv. To an organisation or individual which has been banned by law; or
v. To do anything or bring onto the Premises anything which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies. For example, improper use of, or lack of appropriate supervision of any equipment brought into the Premises
4.2 You agree that all and any relevant insurances, permits, consents, licences, permissions and approvals which apply to your event are in place prior to the event taking place. We reserve the right to ask for copies of such in advance of your event and they must be provided to us if requested.
4.3 You will only use the Premises which you have booked (plus common areas including toilets).
4 You will abide with the agreed time of your Period of Hire, and will vacate the Premises after your event.
4.5 We reserve the right to exclude or eject from the Venue any person, and to cancel any booking or close down any event, where we consider:
a. That such events may be contrary to the interest of the general public or contrary to any law or act of Parliament. Any bookings may also be discussed with police to ensure the safety of the community is assessed.
b. You or users of the Premises have done, or may do something that may cause or pose a risk of loss, damage or expense to the Venue or harm the reputation of the Venue.
4.6 No fireworks, sparklers or naked flames (e.g. candles) are to be used anywhere in the Venue with the exception of candles on birthday or celebration cakes.
5. Supervision and Care of Premises and Equipment
5.1 During the Period of Hire, you have the following responsibilities
a. You shall not be under 21 years of age and shall be on the Premises for the Period of Hire.
b. You shall engage and comply with all and any requests that we make in relation to health safety and you will supply any relevant documents or information to us promptly, if requested.
c. You shall be responsible for the health and safety aspects of the use of the Premises.
d. You shall familiarise yourself with safety arrangements including fire exits, fire alarm points, fire evacuation procedures, escape routes, assembly points, external lighting, location of first aid kits and the location of comments book. You should carry out a practice evacuation of the Venue regarding the above and you should highlight to us any points for concern prior to your event.
e. You agree that you shall ensure that: clear and unobstructed access is maintained for all emergency exits and escape routes; internal doors are not propped or wedged open or left open at any time; your guests are familiar with fire alarm points, fire evacuation routes, and the fire assembly points; and you make suitable public safety announcements, including calling the Fire Services and evacuating the Venue (and your guests) as necessary.
f. You shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of events at the Venue.
g. You shall be responsible for the supervision and care of the Premises, including the Building and Equipment). You shall ensure that no damage or loss is caused or permitted to be caused to the Venue, Building or Equipment.
h. You must not make any alterations to the Premises or any other part of the Premises without our prior written consent.
i. Under no circumstances must any permanent or temporary decorations, notices, posters, or artwork etc be attached to the Building (inside or outside). Blu-tack, nails, drawing pins, staplers and sellotape should not be used on the walls or fixtures or fittings.
j. All the electrical appliances in the Venue are PAT tested. You shall ensure that any electrical appliances which are brought onto the Venue and are used or intended to be used as part of your booking, are PAT tested and in good working order. Untested equipment is not permitted.
6.1 You are responsible for, and must not do or allow anyone attending your event to do anything on the Premises which is or may become a nuisance or cause a complaint, to the Venue or other users or to the occupiers of adjoining or neighbouring premises or residents. This includes (but is not limited to) leaving litter and regulating noise levels.
6.2 You shall be responsible for requiring any person causing such a nuisance to leave the Venue.
7. Premises Licence
7.1 The Venue is licensed by South Kesteven District Council under Premises License Number 4338 for entertainment (live and recorded music and dancing) and the supply of alcohol.
7.2 The Premises Licence contains mandatory conditions which we must abide by. This means that you must inform us at the time of booking if alcohol is to be supplied, served, sold or consumed at the Venue. The Designated Premises Supervisor has the right to attend any function which involves alcohol.
7.3 If alcohol is to be served, sold or consumed at the Venue, then:
(a) any licenced bar must be run by a third party which is appointed by the Designated Premises Supervisor; or
(b) where the Hirer is a locally known village group, the Designated Premises Supervisor may, at their absolute discretion, permit alcohol to be served, sold or consumed, under advisement and direction. There may be a charge for this and the Hirer is responsible for the cost; or
(c) where the Hirer applies and is granted a temporary licence, this must be presented to the Designated Premises Supervisor and VHMC in advance of the event. It is at the Designated Premises Supervisor’s discretion whether such temporary licence is accepted. If it is accepted then you must also take responsibility to ensure that:
i. There is no under-age drinking; and
ii. Prevent nuisance and dangers to health from over-consumption.
We and the Designated Premises Supervisor reserve the right to make spot checks to ensure that these conditions are being observed and will end events if they are breached or we reasonably suspect that they may be breached. We also reserve the right to ask users to produce identification upon request.
7.4 The maximum capacities as stipulated by the Fire Authority are as follows:
The Small Hall – 80 persons
The Main Hall – 240 persons
The Bar – 50 persons
You agree that you will not exceed the above maximum capacities.
7.5 All music and entertainment, and the supply and consumption of alcohol must cease by midnight and you must vacate the Venue by the time agreed in your booking.
7.6 You should ensure that nothing is done on or in relation to the Venue in contravention of the laws relating to gaming, betting and lotteries.
8 Other Licences / Food & Drink
8.1 The Venue has a Performing Rights Society (PRS) License and a Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) known as TheMusicLicence which permits the use of copyright music in any form e.g. record, compact disc, tapes, radio, television, or by performers in person, and the use of lyrics. The use of this licence is included in the Total Booking Fee.
8.2 lf you require any other licenses for your event (eg, The Copyright Licencing Agency Limited; TV licence etc) it is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain and hold the relevant permits, consents, license and permissions, certificates, authorisations and approvals, and for completing any returns. You shall indemnify the Venue against the consequences of your failure to do so.
8.3 If preparing, serving or selling food, then you agree to observe all relevant food and hygiene legislation and regulations. If you wish to use caterers, you must ensure that they comply with all health and hygiene legislations and regulation, including basic food hygiene.
8.4 You shall ensure that no person under the age of 16 is permitted to enter the kitchen, unless they are accompanied by a supervising adult.
9. Cancellation and Cancellation Fees
9.1 Cancellation by You
If you wish to cancel your booking before the date of the event, you must notify us in writing (email will suffice), or via the online booking system as soon as possible. On receipt of such notice, we reserve the right to make the following charges:
One-off Bookings
a. If you cancel your booking between 14 – 2 days of your event, up to50% of the Total Booking Fee.
b. If you cancel your booking within 2 days of your event, up to 100%of the Total Booking Fee.
Regular Bookings
a. If you cancel your booking between 14 – 2 days of your event, up to 50% of the cost of hiring the Premises for that booking.
b. If you cancel your booking within 2 days of your event, up to 100% of the cost of hiring the Premises for that booking.
9.2 Cancellation by Us
We reserve the right to cancel any booking, at any time, by providing notice to you, in the event of:
a. the Premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or by-election.
b. the Premises becoming unfit for the use intended by you.
c. an emergency requiring use of the Premises as a shelter for the victims of flooding, snowstorm, fire, explosion or those at risk of these or similar disasters; or for any medical situation.
d. in any situation where we are forced to, or are precluded from using the Venue for any reason.
e. we become aware, or reasonably suspect that:
(i) such hiring will lead to a breach of our insurances, licensing conditions, if applicable, or other legal or statutory requirements, or
(ii) unlawful or unsuitable activities are or will take place at the Premises as a result of the hiring;
(iii) you have failed or will fail to comply with any of these Terms and Conditions.
10. End of Hire
10.1 At the end of the Period of Hire, you shall ensure that:
a. the Premises are vacated;
b. no equipment, goods or other materials are left on the Premises overnight unless with prior consent;
c. you leave the Premises and Equipment in a clean and tidy condition;
d. any Equipment which has been temporarily removed from their usual positions must be replaced, including tables and chairs;
e. all lights are turned off, all windows and external doors are fully secured, all taps are turned off and the heating thermostats returned to 20C degrees;
f. if you have used the kitchen, all crockery, utensils, the cooker and fridge and dishwasher are left in a clean and empty condition; and
g. you clear away all waste. Bulky waste should be removed and taken home. Small amounts of waste can be placed in the bags provided and placed in the wheeled bin behind the Hall, by the play area.
10.2 You are responsible for the return of hall keys to the Key Box (or other agreed place) as soon as practicable after the end of your Period of Hire, and you will be charged for the replacement of any lost keys and/or for the necessity to change any locks as a result of your failure to do this.
10.3 In addition to retaining the Damages Deposit, we reserve the right to make charges for any additional cleaning or redecoration required.
10.4 For bookings made on a Saturday night a cleaning package may be purchased at the time of booking. This covers cleaning the Venue floor and surfaces in the kitchen and checking the cooker and dishwasher. The hirer needs to rinse crockery and set the dishwasher running. Please bring a dishwasher tablet. Glassware can be stacked in the kitchen for washing. All chairs and tables are to be returned into store. The Venue is to be left in a tidy condition.
11. Children
11.1 You shall ensure that where an event involves activities aimed predominantly at children, you have appropriate insurances, child protection policies and procedures in place and that any requisite DBS checks have been carried out. You shall provide us with a copy of any information or documentation in relation to this, as we may request.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1 You must ensure that no goods which are illegal, counterfeit, dangerous or deemed to be of an offensive or inappropriate nature (as determined at our absolute discretion) are displayed or offered for sale in the Venue.
12.2. Any items deemed to be of an offensive or inappropriate nature by the Venue shall be removed from display or sale immediately on the request of the Venue.
12.3 Advertising can only be displayed in the Venue with our prior consent.
12.3 Smoking and/or vaping is not permitted anywhere in the Venue. Bubble and smoke machines may be used but only with our express prior consent.
12.4 No animals (with the exception of trained guide/support dogs) shall be allowed in the Venue.
12.5 We regret that bouncy castles, inflatables and/or any martial art/sports events are not covered by our Public Liability Insurance and therefore we are unable to hold any event which involves any of the above. It is a specific term of this agreement that you will declare if your event includes or involves any of these elements, and if so, your Booking will be cancelled as per clause 9.2 (2) (e) above.
13. Loss or Damage
13.1 The Venue has Public Liability Insurance in place subject to the exemptions mentioned in this agreement.
13.2 You must report all accidents, loss or damage to the VHMC as soon as possible and update the Comments Book. Any failed or broken equipment belonging to the Venue, should also be reported.
13.2 During the Period of Hire,
a. you shall be responsible for all expenses, damages, liabilities, losses, claims, costs or proceedings (whether accidental or otherwise), arising out of your use of the Premises or Equipment including claims for personal injury to or the death of any person whatsoever arising out of the course of or caused as a result of the hire (but with the exception of any death or personal injury or damage to property caused by negligence on the part of the Venue or its employees, agents or Trustees; or any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for the Venue to exclude or restrict liability); and
b. you shall indemnify the Venue against the same.
14. Data Protection
14.1 Any personal data supplied to us will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and as further set out in our Privacy Notice.
15. Behaviour
15.1 The Village Hall Management Committee operates a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, intimidation or harassment. This includes any verbal or written instances where one of our volunteers has been subjected to any abuse.
15.2 People deemed to be abusive will not be welcome and be refused use of the Hall.
16. General Terms
16.1 We may from time to time amend or add to these Terms and Conditions.
16.2 If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force and effect, and such invalid or unenforceable provisions or portion thereof shall be deemed omitted.
16.3 No term of this agreement shall be enforceable under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by a person who is not a party to this agreement, but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from under that Act.
16.4 This Agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to any dispute arising under these Terms and Conditions.
Last Updated: May 2024