
Facing the Waves – Friday 11th October 2024

A brand new show from Dogwood Productions is coming to the Hall later this year

This is a tale about our relationship with the sea, the reality of living in coastal towns and the pressures facing those who crew the lifeboats. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Facing the Waves is a new musical from an award-winning composer, with a cast from London’s West End. It’s an inspiring new production with a story and songs that will stay with you.

Buy your tickets now! click here

Fashion Show – Wednesday 6th November 2024

Join us at the Village Hall for a fashion show, run by Lincs Fashion.

Buy that Christmas outfit, or perhaps a gift for others.

All High Street Brands at half-price or less – no seconds

All items will be available to purchase on the night

Ladies’ Clothing in sizes 6 to 24 for ages 16 upwards

Tickets will cost £5 and will be on sale from October onwards